Here's a picture of the inhaler. It's called the LeWhif and it costs $53 for 24 whiffs of chocolate smell. I'm not kidding.

When creating this clip I actually put a little effort into finding a good name for the strip club. I did a quick Google search and found PoleKatz, and that sounded perfect. Apparently the food is very good there. I'd go, but those stripper shoes scare me.
If we eve have a Deadpan Inc. fanclub mixer, I propose PoleKatz as the location.
Okay...but I'm going to wear a hockey mask. Can't be too careful.
Appreciated your effort confirming a strip club name. Apparently you're not listening to the same radio stations as me.
I believe there's a strip club in Wisconsin called Cruisin' Chubbies. I hear they have lovely bread pudding.
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