I think xtranormal might eventually offer some options that would enable me to have more control of the voices, have exclusive characters, etc. If so, I might go back to that format -- unless this new format is a big hit. This is the beta version of Deanpan Inc. V2.0, and if people like it, I'll move up to higher resolution wide screen images. We'll see.
I should probably mention that in the title of this episode I'm using the term "perfect" ironically. I'm not endorsing any of these combinations, especially not donkey basketball.

Donkey basketball is usually staged in a high school gymnasium as a fundraiser. It's stupid -- not in a "hilariously stupid" way, but in a "stupid divisive activity that will draw hostility to your cause" way. I hadn't given much thought to this form of animal abuse until I went searching for an image and ran across PETA's take on the subject. I'd have to agree that the donkeys probably aren't playing for the love of the game.
Of course, all this talk about donkey basketball is just a smokescreen to keep the Scientologists off my hiney. And I should go on record that I only know about the meth/porn combo from reading about it. I've never watched porn while doing meth. Wait, that didn't sound right -- I should rephrase. I've never done meth while watching porn. That's better.
Don't forget to weigh in on the new format with a comment. The future of Deadpan Inc. is in your hands.
I'm a bit ambivalent on the new format. On one hand it is a rather refreshing take on the concept, yet on the other hand I really miss the hilarious facial features and gestures.
i waaaay prefer the animation, please go back to it, kthxbai
The dialogue today was excellent, as it is most days, but I'm not totally sold on the new format. Because the humor in DI is 95% dialogue based, the visuals/characters shouldn't make a huge difference. But then I think of episodes like the genes/jeans one (which I've watched about 5 times) in which the long, awkward silence was so perfect. The blank stare, the eye blink, it all contributed to the silence. Could you achieve an effect like that without moving characters?
I much prefer the animation. It's vaguely creepy to have still photos of humans speaking with borderline human voices. I like the anonymous/everyman quality of the animated characters.
I prefer the animated version, too. I've grown to like the characters. Besides, this knew format feels eerily similar to "Get Your War On."
I think you may have just http://blogs.pcworld.com/staffblog/archives/JumpTheShark.jpg
I prefer the animation as well... it lent a certain surrealism to your work that made it more entertaining.
I totally understand the creative corner xtranormal has you in. I made a few videos myself and found the process fun at first but it loses its charm after a while with the limitations they have.
Keep on soul searching. I like the new format, but like others it was the dialouge that carried it.
I much prefer the animated version. As others have noted even the limited gestures and expressions made a big difference.
I watched the versions you posted to YouTube - the expression on the (animated) female office mate's face when she learns about the Orgasmatron is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. It's not as funny in the non-animated version.
Hey, Smooth. No fair peeking ahead.
And cheezencrackers...jumping the shark? Jumping the shark!? That comment almost got moderated the hell out of here. How dare you, sir. How dare you!
Unless there's a flood of pro-new-format comments this evening, we'll be back to normal (or should I say xtranormal?) tomorrow.
I go with Animated, The dialog is funny and the voices are ok, but without the goofy stiff gestures and movements, it loses a little bit of it's kick. I want to give the new style a chance, maybe it will grow on me, but I'm not as knocked out as I was by the animation.
animated is better... unless, if you can film these in live action, but with robotic voices n stuff that would be cool. i just don't like the still pictures.
I didn't like the new format, much prefer the old.
If you can pull off the pause and little smile given with "avian genital tongues", then there is potential. Ironically, as it stands now, the animated version seems more "real". But, I'm willing to watch for a few days to see if my mind is changed!
(and thank you for your efforts to date!)
yeah...i think a recurring character would have to actually develop their character. does that make sense? and it must have been the movement that gave the originals their character.
I think I am a day late, and you may have already made your decision, but I like the animated movies better -- the deadpan looks, blinks, awkward pauses, etc, are vital to the humor. I miss Brad and the woman (what is her name?)!
"This video has been removed by the user"
:( I want to see too
Sorry about that. Just re-uploaded the video -- it should be available soon.
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