My first thought was to have Lily make fun of Brad's new shoes, but it occurred to me that making fun of a product does nothing to help me monetize this site. What company would want to sponsor me if I'm just going to make fun of them? So if you would like to know where to buy these incredible new shoes, visit VibramFiveFingers.com. And if you work for Vibram and would like to talk to me about cross-promotional opportunities, email me at strattonbiz at sbcglobal dot net.
I wonder if they make shoes for polydactyl folks.
They actually state in their FAQs that they do not make shoes for people with webfeet or polydactyl feet (more than five toes), and that they can't customize the shoes to accommodate those folks.
I find it hard to believe that "Can you make a pair that will fit my webbed feet?" is actually a frequently asked question.
BTW -- it's just a matter of personal taste, but the only way I'd wear these is if I could wear larger normal shoes over them -- but I guess that would defeat the purpose.
You corporate whore!! ;)
I was taken aback by your apparent endorsement at first, but I fully understand.
I'd buy 20 sets of these, but I can't give up the luxurious feel of standard socks.
As an industrial designer, I find this product's main concept fairly interesting. However, I really think they need to improve the colors and general appearance of it, to increase its appeal. The black, gray & brown models look boring, and the gray & camo looks pretty lame.
If you get that juicy contract with Vibram, you should advise them to contact some urban graphic artists that could create some cool designs for their footwear.
They would look really intersting if they were designed to look like your feet were fully tattooed, that is if they aren't already. Or if they were made to look like you had alien feet. That would really be funny to see the looks as you walk down the street.
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