Since I missed a few days, I decided not to wait until Monday to post this -- hence the rare Saturday posting.
You might notice on the right, in my list of sites, there's a new blog. Do not be tempted to go there. Seriously, I'm not doing some reverse psychology trick on you. I really don't think you should go there. Unless you also work in the field of corporate communications, you'll find my ramblings about effective communications strategies profoundly uninteresting. You'll just be bored and end up hating me.
But if that kind of thing does interest you, feel free to check it out. You might want to wait about a week for me to get a few more postings up -- there's not much there yet. But you can critique the name if you like.
Speaking of the Lambo Gallardo, someone has made a pair of pumps inspired by my dream ride. If I was stuck in an elevator with a woman wearing a pair of these, it would probably be too much for me to handle. As the picture illustrates, they are literally smokin' hot.

Those are, without a doubt, the FUGLIEST shoes I've seen in my life.
What color would you pick for your dream Lambo?
I'd have to go with the orange. Very eye-catching. Someday.
Not only will he need good luck explaining the backpack to his elevator buddy, might be a problem getting the darn thing past security in the first place. Not that there's anything of a terrorist nature in there, but it would surely raise some security guy's eyebrows, I'd think. If he's looking for a serious pat down before his elevator encounter, well, OK.
He's getting creepier and creepier.
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