Friday, April 24, 2009

Funeral Beer

I think the perfect beer for a funeral would be Guinness, because it's dark -- almost black. A light golden ale would just look too festive.

Hey, two mentions of Guinness in a week. You'd think the Guinness folks would be cutting me a check about now. Or at least sending me a free case. Let's get on that, Guinness.


Unknown said...

And that, Mr. Stratton, is called a "Redneck Funeral." Sadly, rednecks frown on those foreign beers, so unless it's The king of beers or the silver bullet, it shouldn't be at a funeral. That's how they put the "fun" in funeral. Personally I prefer the viking style, big vats of mead and a burning ship!

munchy365 said...

Since you're putting these on YouTube now, you might as well edit out the xTranormal thing at the end...

Red Pill Junkie said...

Personally I prefer the viking style, big vats of mead and a burning ship!Would that also include the wailing widow thrown alive to the pyre? I mean, if we're gonna do it, we'd best get done it the right way! :-P